Mouthguards in San Antonio TX
Your dream of beautiful teeth can turn into a nightmare when you damage or break them while playing or doing other activities. This requires a protective device. A mouthguard is a protective device that prevents injury during sports or other physical activities. There are many types of mouthguards. You can always keep it on your teeth if you want, which is a very important aspect of this device. It is not only applicable to sportsmen, but all people can use it. So you can get dental mouthguard services in San Antonio through consultation with our experienced dentists.
What Are Mouth Guards?
A mouthguard is mainly known as a protective device that is used to protect the teeth. It adheres well to your teeth and helps reduce the risk of tooth breakage, lips injuries, tongue, and face. They are made of different materials that are good for your teeth. It is custom-made by the dentist or professional so that it fits perfectly on any type of tooth. Mainly different sports such as football, boxing, hockey and martial arts use it more because there may be a possibility of unintentional injury to the teeth during the game.

Types of Mouthguards
There are several types of mouthguards commonly seen,
Night Guards, Two of the most notable mouthguards are night guards and sports mouthguards. Now we will know about them in detail
Night guards
Night Guard that is also known as occlusal guards or bite splints, uses your teeth and jaw to protect your teeth and jaw from different damages, Caused by teeth grinding or clenching, a condition known as bruxism. As a result, there is a problem with different charts. Nightgregation is mainly made from durable, transparent material for which the dentists are very well and have long-term protection. So you can easily protect your don as a result of using the night guards.
Sports Mouth Guards
A sports mouth guard is used by the players as a protective device to avoid any kind of injury during sports or other physical activities. It reduces the risk of tooth fractures as teeth can be injured in any way while playing. It is mainly used by football, basketball, hockey, boxing and martial arts players as these sports involve more risk.
Best way to clean a mouthguard
While using the Mouth Guard, the first question comes to mind, how to clean mouthguard.?
Regular cleaning of the mouthguard is very important to ensure longevity and hygiene. After each use, clean with cold water to remove saliva and debris. Then, a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap or toothpaste should be cleaned very gently so that no dirt accumulates on the mouthguard. Thoroughly rinse the mouthguards again with cool water to eliminate any soap residue. The next step is to let the mouthguard air dry and ensure that it is completely dry. Do not use high temperatures or direct sunlight to dry, as this may damage your mouth guard. By following these methods you can easily clean your mouthguard as maintaining it is very important for your health.
Q: How often should I replace my mouthguard?
A: Mouthguards should be replaced when they show signs of wear or tear, usually every 6-12 months.
Q: Can I wear a mouthguard with braces?
A: Yes, custom-made mouthguards can be made to fit over braces
Q: What should I do if my mouthguard doesn't fit properly?
A: If your mouthguard doesn’t fit properly or becomes uncomfortable, schedule an appointment with our dentist in San Antonio, TX
Call To Action
To protect your teeth from different types of injuries and damage, mouthguards are a very effective device.”Protect your smile with our custom-fit mouthguards! Whether you’re hitting the field or the court, safeguard your teeth in San Antonio, TX. Book your appointment now!”
South Sanantonio Dentist